Founder update: What we can learn from Waldorf-inspired education

Founder update: What we can learn from Waldorf-inspired education

If kids can appreciate nature when they’re young, then perhaps we stand a chance at the natural world being prioritized and protected as they age.
Founder update: On intuitive and intentional cooking

Founder update: On intuitive and intentional cooking

When defining the types of recipes we wanted to share at Primary Beans, I focused on those rooted in personal expression, community, and accessibility.
Founder update: Eating to support an active lifestyle

Founder update: Eating to support an active lifestyle

A major part of this journey has been a new focus on protein, which has made a noticeable difference in my performance, recovery, and overall energy! Here’s a sample meal plan to illustrate how I've been eating.
Founder update: Reflecting on the farms that aren't here anymore

Founder update: Reflecting on the farms that aren't here anymore

I created Primary Beans to create space for the types of farms I want to see thrive over the next 50 years.
Founder update: How intentional grocery shopping can amplify your values and improve your health

Founder update: How intentional grocery shopping can amplify your values and improve your health

The options are dizzying, especially at large format stores, so it can feel easiest to default to what we’re comfortable with. But sometimes that comes at the expense of other things you care about!
Founder update: How does where you shop make you feel?

Founder update: How does where you shop make you feel?

We’d love to live in a world where the systemic end of the bargain is held up, so the onus doesn’t always lie on the individual – but shopping with your values really does make a difference.
Founder update: Beans as a symbol for longevity

Founder update: Beans as a symbol for longevity

I consider myself lucky to have built a brand around the perfect symbol of longevity. Beans have consistently fed humans for thousands and thousands of years, and whenever I’m doubting myself, I can simply look to them for inspiration.
Founder update: Thoughts on eating seasonally

Founder update: Thoughts on eating seasonally

I truly believe that seasonal eating grounds us in all the best ways – connecting us to how and where food is grown, guiding us on what to eat and when, and creating excitement around ingredients with peak flavor.
Founder update: Why we don't use the word sustainable (August 2023)

Founder update: Why we don't use the word sustainable (August 2023)

It’s extremely challenging, if not impossible, to deem anything as truly “sustainable” given the complexities of different industries and supply chains – yet it has become a catch-all for every feel-good idea that a business might have.
Founder update: Musings on our sourcing model & mission (June 2023)

Founder update: Musings on our sourcing model & mission (June 2023)

We've been busy planning the next harvest with our farmers, and Lesley has something to say about our sourcing model & mission.
What it means to be a product of agricluture

What it means to be a product of agricluture

Pay attention and even embrace the imperfect. By doing so you'll contribute to less waste, and still get to enjoy delicious food in the way that Mother Nature has always intended.
Summer bean salad with Primary Beans

A note about finding solace in summer meals

For as long as we’ve lived, food has been a catalyst for conversation, for relationship-building, and for joy, especially when things feel difficult. My hope is that this season is no different.
A special note for Earth Day

A special note for Earth Day

It’s a privilege to celebrate all our progress this Earth Day– it’s a reminder that a group of passionate individuals working collectively towards a shared vision is the best way to create change.
What is regenerative agriculture anyway?

What is regenerative agriculture anyway?

Our Montana farm is looking towards regenerative agriculture to sustain the future of the farm. But like any buzzword, the definition can get muddled, so we sat down with owner Jeff Bangs.
Meet the farm behind your favorite chickpeas

Meet the farm behind your favorite chickpeas

We sat down with our Montana-based farm partner to learn more about the Marvel chickpea variety, what makes it so special, and how its virtues extend well beyond its culinary traits.
Company update from our founders (November 2021)

Company update from our founders (November 2021)

Launching this next crop is a huge milestone for us and our small team is working feverishly to get so many new and exciting things launched around the holidays.
A note about climate change from Lesley

A note about climate change from Lesley

As we get ready to bring incredible new bean varieties to your table, we’ve also been navigating the realities that come with working directly with farms. 
The future of beans (Part 4) by Primary Beans

The future of beans (Part 4)

We’re sharing a behind-the-scenes look at Primary Beans' role in furthering the availability of the highest quality beans to home cooks around the country.

The art of bean breeding (Part 3) by Primary Beans

The art of bean breeding (Part 3)

What exactly is breeding? We’re demystifying the often misunderstood concept of breeding, its important role today, and how it has shaped the availability of beans at the grocery store.
What are heirloom beans? (Part 2) by Primary Beans

What are heirloom beans? (Part 2)

Ever wonder how heirloom beans differ from the run-of-the-mill varieties found at the typical grocery store? Here, we break down the different types of beans and explain the allure of heirloom beans.

Beans’ role in agriculture by Primary Beans

Small but mighty: Beans’ treasured role in agriculture (Part 1)

The humble bean has been fundamental to meeting agricultural, nutritional, and cultural needs of the societies that have grown them. We're giving you an in-depth look at the evolution of beans.