What will I get for $49 a quarter?
Our quarterly subscription includes 3 1-lb boxes of beans, 1 surprise panry item, and shipping. You can gain access to exclusive content (recipes, BTS, farms stories, and more) created by our team just for you.
Can you share an example of a surprise pantry item so I know what to expect?
The surprise pantry items complement the varieties in the box and takes your bean cooking to the next level (think: vinegars, sauces, spices). We'll walk you through how to use them.
Will all the beans be organic certified?
While most of our beans are grown using organic practices, not all of our beans are certified organic. We work with, and value, farmers with a regenerative farming mindset, and are always happy to answer your questions about their growing practices.

“Since I launched Primary Beans, I’ve been searching for a way to make even deeper commitments to our incredible farms and instill a sense of discovery in our community of home cooks. My hope is that as you absorb all our stories and cook through each box, you’ll experience the same gratification I get as I experience the extraordinary varieties from our unique growing regions. Whether you join to expand your bean palate or build a grounding bean ritual, there’s never been a better way to experience all that beans have to offer.”